Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Peru Relief

As most of you already know, Peru was hit with a 8.0 earthquake about two weeks ago. Camino de Vida, Pastor Robert Barriger's church in Lima, has been asked to be responsible for building and taking care of three relief camps in the city of Pisco. That definitely speaks volumes about the integrity of a church - that the government would ask for help during a time of crisis.

Last week, Mark Stermer, Jeff Rentz and Emily Morrow traveled to Lima to assist Camino de Vida with the relief efforts and immediately saw the need for much more help. In true form, HPC had 14 men who volunteered to take off of work and leave their families for a week to go to Peru and be a healing place for a hurting world. Church of the King, a great church in Mandeville, are also sending 10 men along with 3 men from Our Saviors Church, in Lafayette. We also had numerous people who weren't able to physically go to Peru, sponsor someone else's trip - wow.

The team of 27 men left this morning from New Orleans to travel to Lima and on to Pisco to help build the three relief camps. Please keep them, Camino de Vida, Robert Barriger and the people of Peru in your prayers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

emily has a couple of posts about peru on her blog if you're interested.

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