Friday, March 30, 2007

I hate geese

If you have spent any time at HPC, you know that we have some feathered friends who like to spend time in and around our lake. Well, this group of Canadian geese leave nice little surprises behind them everywhere they go! We are constantly washing geese poop off of the sidewalks around the lake.

As I was leaving the church, yesterday, one of our little friends was in the middle of the driveway. Honestly, my first instinct was to hit the gas! But, as I slowed down to let it waddle out of the way, this crazy goose decided that my truck was a predator, worthy of fighting. It puffs its feathers out and CHARGES at the truck! It starts incessantly pecking at my truck and HISSING! Who knew geese hissed?! I finally had to get out of the truck and chase it off as it is trying to peck me!


Donna Frank said...

Most Canadians are pretty tough birds :)

Love your heart, Brother. Love your blog. Keep it up, in Jesus' name.

Patrick Conti said...

My brother got attacked by a duck once. He's lucky to be alive. and yes those Canadians can be mean.

Sarah Head said...

i almost hit one on sunday... lucky for me, it would have been a bloody sight!

dkaller said...

there are companies you can pay to help get rid of them

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