Sunday, April 8, 2007

Christ is Risen

I was in Starbucks this morning, and happened to catch the cover of this mornings Advocate. On the front cover, was the headline "Christ is Risen" with a picture of a cross. I was so fired up to see that! A major newspaper proclaiming the news of the risen King! What a great weekend it's been at HPC.

"The tide is turning, and this is redemption's hour..."
-Hillsong United


Unknown said...

i like the post, but a MAJOR newspaper. Seriously?! Maybe to Russian Immigrants.

Connie Firmin said...

Cool! Definitely not something you see everyday!!!

Sarah Head said...

thats so cool!! Go Advocate!

i wanted to tell you that i think it's funny how envious you are that JP won the fatboy5k. First, in the pictures, you're glaring in the background. Then on his mom's page you talk about taking him out next year... You are supposed to lift up your peers--not get overwhelmingly jealous of them!!

Haha, you know im kidding-- but it IS funny :)

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