Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Garage Sale

Last weekend, we had our Elevate Garage sale, to raise money for our trip to Mozambique. Its only 28 days away! Well, word spread that we were having our garage sale and people just started coming from all over the place with donations! We even filled a truck and trailer full of furniture from ONE house!
We began organizing for the garage sale on Friday around 3:00 PM. Little did we know what was in store for us... The stuff just kept building up. We ended up staying the ENTIRE NIGHT, forgoing any thought of sleep, just to organize the stuff and set up for Saturday morning. People were stopping by at all hours of the night, buying things. Before Saturday morning, we had already made over $200! By the time 5 A.M. rolled around, we had finally finished setting up and had our first official customers (the hard-core garage sale-ers) stopping by. Our very first customer even bought THIS item!

No one knew what this was. NO ONE. It was a mystery. But Our very first customers bought it for $25. We asked what it was and I think she made something up about birds...she didn't know, either.

We were all verifyably insane by 4 A.M. Our gymnast friend, Gabi even performed for us.

You never know what you will find at a garage sale. This is an OLDSCHOOL HPC Christmas CD. I snatched that one up, baby!

Just about every time we turned around, Blake was wearing a random item of clothing. I think this was the school marm look.

We ended up making even more money than we thought, worked harder than we ever have in our lives and actually had a lot of fun. When I finally got to bed on Saturday night, I had been awake for 39 hours! It will all be worth it when we are in AFRICA!! I also have to give a shout out to all of the people who volunteered their time to help us out, especially Ms. Shiela!! We could not have done it without ya'll!


Sarah Head said...

yeeehaw it was fun :) i have no idea what that thing was-- i guessed that you put a pot in the top. who knows?

Connie Firmin said...

I am so jealous - I wish I was going with you guys!!!!

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