Friday, December 7, 2007

Russian Delicacy?

You may be asking yourself, "What is this disgusting looking concoction of food?" Well, dear bloggers - meet my friend Katie.

We have been friends for a long time. Since 5th grade, actually, when I saved her shoes, and life, in Mexico. Ask her about it one day - she would love to share the story. She's always sharin' a story, thats why we call her Aunt Sharon. Aunt Sharon also has very strange eating habits. She blames it - and everything else - on being raised in a foreign country.

The other day, I stumbled upon Katie making this interesting dish. It consists of processed lunch meat, taco sauce (which she will put on anything) and pepper-jack cheese. I almost threw up. Then she microwaved it! The one thing I knew was that I had to share this with the world. Enjoy -


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