Wednesday, February 6, 2008

back in action

Dan O is back! He has been on a little family vacation the past week...although nothing is little when you get ALL of the Ohlerkings together. I actually got a rare shot of him with his phone to his ear, instead of typing a text. It's good to have him back. I threw a lot of stuff away while he was gone (don't tell him - he'll never know). Something you may not know about our blog master is that he rarely checks OTHER blogs. So he'll probably never see this post.


Carole Turner said...

Yea, you can really talk bad about him in the blog sphere, I know..Just kidding.

Anonymous said...

SPREAD the word...if anyone needs lessons on how to avoid getting attacked by a "fire" please read below..
1.check out your surroundings your head on your desk..(eyes closed)
3. Cover your head with your arms protecting yourself from any signs of crazy ppl.
For a 'how to video' please visit..

JP said...

wait is dan actually talking on is phone...weird i thought he only texted

danohlerking said...

"never" is a really long time.

i'm just glad you threw all that stuff away - now it can be your fault if there is something missing.

really, thanks for the clean-up in the office while i was out. you're a good guy.

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