Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Summertime and the livin's easy

Sorry for all you faithfull readers out there (if there are any) - summer has really taken its toll on my blogging. I am really enjoying my summer, having a little time off and being able to spend some time with family and friends. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I am a counselor at HPC staff kids Summer Camp with 17 of the funniest kids I have ever met. Angela Musso has the great honor of being a couselor with me. (It's really the other way around - she brings lunch every day!)
Having time off has been great, but I honestly miss Elevate, the structure it brings to my life and the other people in it. The first year of Elevate has honestly been the best year of my life and I'm really looking forward to the second year. It has its ups and downs, but thats life.

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