Saturday, December 29, 2007

Well let's start countin'...

The title of my blog is "Life of an Intern" and what you are about to see is truly that. I had been out of laundry detergent for a few weeks now, and was down to my last few clean shirts. After siphoning off detergent from a few other roommates, I figured it was time to buy some of my own. Armed with three rolls of quarters ($30) I was off to Target to buy some detergent and dryer sheets. Now, I may be poor, but I don't skim on my detergent. I buy the good stuff.
As I'm approaching the checkout line, the thought crosses my mind, "They have to take quarter rolls, huh?" As I check out and proceed to pay, I humbly hand over my rolls of currency and I get the look. You know the look. It says, "You've got to be kidding" without words - its all in the eyebrows. The cashier says that they won't take rolls and I would have to pay with bills. After some discussion about the quarters being all that I had, along with some loud sighs from the couple behind me, I had come to one conclusion - I was going to have to count out $25 worth of quarters at Target during peak hours. I was later told that my exact words were, "Well let's start countin!"

Thanks to Paul Musso, Wii Pro, for the quick photography skills. Actually, it wasn't so quick. I counted $25 bucks worth of quarters...


JP said...

great post im gonna link it...very funny i laughed!!

Katie said...

Bradon, 1st the post I vote as the funniest post I have ever read. I laughed out loud, and yes maybe it doesn't take too much for me to laugh but this one got me. 2nd I want you to know that Jp called me and left me a voice mail saying to come read your post he thought it was so funny.

Josh Ferrara said...

haha thats awesome. Yeah, it's a humbling thing ain't it?

are owe bee said...


danohlerking said...

it was worth it - you smelled rain meadow fresh and febreezy this morning at church.

i love how the couple in the line behind you are looking for another line in that second shot.


next time.... dimes!

Stephanie Musso said...

Just bring your clothes to our house, or else ask Papa Moose to send you home with a "to go" bag of detergent! Hysterical!
Momma Moose

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