Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Easy breathing and a Mac for sale

Man, the last week has been a crazy one. I was SICK for most of last week and then somehow managed to make it to the Elevate retreat last weekend, which was great. While I was sick, I discovered the strangest, yet most amazing thing ever - the Neti pot. Yeah, the thing is really weird, and while I am not as creepy looking as the lady on that video, I can imagine I still look pretty funny doing it. Go ahead, poke fun but it's all worth it when I can breathe at night!

Also, many of you may know I am a Mac user and lover. I recently got a new MacBook for my birthday and was going to keep my old iBook for kicks. Then I remembered - I'm a broke intern. So that being said -


iBook G4 80GB HD, 1.2 GHz, 768 MB DDR SDRAM, Combo drive - Typical wear and tear for a 5 year old laptop - scratches, but nothing major. Still works great. Runs Tiger OS X. $300

Please let me know if you are interested. My first mac - she's a beaut and she'll be hard to part with.

1 comment:

Carole Turner said...

I need a lap top. If you don't sell it by mid Feb. I will buy it.

Hey, I'm gonna link you in my side bar, youv'e passed my, "more then 3 interesting post" test.

Rock on!!

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