Thursday, January 17, 2008

You Decide

I am a bearded fellow, most of the time. Not because I love beards, or think I look good with a beard. Mostly because I simply hate shaving. I NEVER shave with a razor, just trim every couple of weeks with an electric trimmer. But, I often get compliments on the facial hair. So as I was trimming, last night, the thought crossed my mind...beard or no beard?

Let me know what you think. Bearded Brandon or baby-faced Brandon? It's up to you, America. Cast your vote.


Carole Turner said...

I am actually a fan of the Gotee.

HerstoryGirl said...

I honestly think you could go either way with this... looks good both ways.
Of course, you could always go for the ZZ Top look!
Cya @ Elevate
PS: Adding you to my blogroll...

Andrew said...

John the Baptist went with a beard, and he was crazy. You are crazy, so... isn't the beard a requirement? If it is, the locusts and camel skin should also be. (ooh, camel skin hoodie!)

Sarah Head said...

you look more sophisticated with no beard.... but is that REALLY what you want to look like? of course not, you want a beard. because that's so brandon.

Josh Ferrara said...

See, I was contemplating doing this. Obviously my situation isn't as drastic, but you get the drift.

Beard makes you look ready for battle dawwgg.

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